Deceptive behaviors in accountancy has become a major social issue of common concern, one reason is the lack of accounting fraud depth theoretical reasoning; 会计信息失真,已经成为普遍关注的重大社会问题,究其原因,一是我国理论界对会计造假的原因分析缺乏深度,满足于理论上推理;
The algorithm adopts a hierarchical structure in knowledge rule while the breadth and depth, first search is integrated in reasoning strategy. 该算法应用的知识规则采用分层结构,在推理策略上综合应用深度和广度优先搜索。
The author points out the traditional bubble sort algorithm's very low efficiency having made in-depth analyse and reasoning, and then puts forward a method to improve it, and programs to implement the reformative bubble sort algorithm. 传统的冒泡排序算法存在着效率不高的缺陷,经过深入分析论证提出了改进的方法,并编程予以实现,提高了算法效率。